Genre- French for "Type"

Sub-Genre-  Separate category in a genre horror/sci-fi

Anchorage-  Visual Image   

Tagline-  The tageline is a phrase or a slogan

Hybrid-Genre-  Two separte genres joined horror/sci-fi

Conventions-  Things that make up a genre

Deconstruct-  Unpack or to tear apart

Sterotype-  When you assume that a certain charateristic belongs to a whole group

Representation- The way in which an individual or social group is portrayed in the media

Themes-  Ideas which are explored

Plausibility-  Plausability of a story events (could the events being presented happen in the real world)

Beliveability in a characters motivation (is this how people or we ourselves would behave in a similar situation)
How convincing are the surface details? does the gun look and fire like a real gun would etc

Logic-  The logic of the story and plot events (does it follow that if x happens then y would follow

Presentation- The presentation of filmic space (even in the most extreme fantasy of science fictional scenarios. Can we suspend or disbelief sufficently to accpet it is how it would be.

Digetic sound0- Background music, voice over

Non-Digetic sound- Sound that is not in the text...e.g. Soundtrack (music), Narration
Cross cutting- Telling two different stories at the same time

Context- A film displaying the time and event

Narrator- Someone who tells the story

Connotation- The ideas attached to an object

Denotation- What the object isMise-en-scene- Everything visual in the frame..e.g. Costumes, Characters, Make-up