Shot Number: One
Shot Size: CU
Camera Movement: Still

Action: Chloe the femme fatal is sitting in her room in the dark. Thinking and talking to herself about the murder plan.
Audio: The silence in her room starts to break down.As she opens the window to hear the wind blowing, the rattling of the garden leaves.
Shot Numer: Two
Shot Size: Dutch angle, CU
Camera Movement: Tracking
Action: Close up on Kevin knocking on Chloe's door, waiting for the door to be answered.
Audio: Car engine,slaming of the door the strong wind and rattling of bushes.Kevin and Chloe's conversation.

Shot Number: Three
Shot Size: LS
Camera Movement: Still
Action: Kevin hands the murder weapon to Chloe as soon as she opens the door.Chloe grabs her coat and the pair leave to carry out the murder.
Audio: Slamming of the front door,  Kevin and Chloe talking
Shot Number: Four
Shot Size: LS,MS
Camera Movement: Tracking, Still
Action: Kevin and Chloe both in the car driving meters away from Max's house.
Audio: Sounds of the car engine, Kevin and Chloe's voices.
Shot Number: Five
Shot Size:CU
Camera Movement: Still
Action: The car stops streets away from Max's house. The pair go through the murder plan for the last time before it takes place.
Audio: Voices in the background from civillans, engine sounds from the car, the wind blowing, animal noises e.g. Dogs, Cats and Owls.
Shot Number: Six
Shot Size: MS
Camera Movement: Tracking
Action: Kevin gets out the car and walks down the street to meet Chloe at the other end.
Audio: Phone call noises, Kevin and Chloe's footsteps.
Shot Number: Seven
Shot Size:LS
Camera Movement: Still, Tracking
Action: Kervin and Chloe standing on a tower block with a rifle gun targeting Max in his home.
Audio: Kevin and Chloe whispering to each other. Wind blowing in the background.
Shot Number: Eight
Shot Size: MS
Camera Movement: Still, Tracking
Action: Max stumples down the stairs heading towards the front door. He manages to call 999 but then collapses.
Audio: Gun shot noises, 999 call, stumpling down the stairs.